Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Product Recommendation: Ask Mr Robot

Getting a character ready for raiding in World of Warcraft usually breaks players into one of two categories.  There are those who want to build their characters organically, and those that want to do all the research they have to in order to make the best character they could make.

Between gems, enchants, and the reforging, there is room for personalization in your character's statistics.  There is nothing wrong with building a character the way you see fit, or building a character to be the best mathematical version of itself.

Regardless of where you fall in these opinions, there's a product that my guild and I have used to bypass the tedious research involved in optimizing a character. 

Its an addon program called "Ask Mr Robot."  It makes recommendations on how to gem, enchant, and reforge your character's gear in order to maximize his/her performance in the game.  It brings the sophistication of hard-core character research to even the newest of player.

This addon can be downloaded  through its host website http://www.askmrrobot.com/ or from http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/askmrrobotIt is very useful in-game for providing optimal suggestions on how to build your character's statistics.

If, for whatever reason, you don't feel comfortable downloading this addon, you can go to the website 
http://www.askmrrobot.com/, and access the program there.  There is no payment required or account that needs to be made. 

All you have to do is go to the website and select "Optimize Your Character".  You simply put in what country you're in, what server you play on, and then input your character's name.  The page it will give you a list of all the gear you have, and lists of which gems, enchants, and reforges you should have on each piece.

The only caution I will give is that it may end up being expensive in-game.  There's no money required to use the addon or the website, but the changes Ask Mr Robot will ask you to make may require hundreds or thousands of in-game gold to buy the gems, enchants, and reforges.  The first time you use it to adjust your gear will be the most costly, then you should only have to update your gear when you get new pieces, and this should be much less expensive.

If you're dedicated to getting into some raids, I would highly recommend downloading this addon or checking out this website because the Ask Mr Robot program is a very useful tool in maximizing your character.

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