Thursday, June 19, 2014

General Raid Information: Siege of Orgrimmar

Siege of Orgrimmar is the highest level raid in World of Warcraft at this time.  It is basically a raid who's storyline revolves around bringing down the orc leader Garrosh Hellscream.  There are four different options of raid groups that can run it, and they are as follows:
  • Looking for raid groups - these groups consist of 25 players and can be queued into without the need to form a group beforehand.  They're the most forgiving type of raid, since the game will actually buff you if you fail with a good effort.
  • Flexible raid groups - these groups can consist of anywhere between 10 and 25 players.  The bosses will hit harder and do more things depending on how many players you add to the group.
  • Normal raid groups - these "normal" raids come in 10 or 25 player form.  They're not recommended for groups that are less than 10 or 25 players strong, and they are more difficult than flexible raid groups
  • Heroic raid groups - these basically follow the same format as normal raids.  They come in the 10 or 25 player variety, but they are harder than all other groups and require considerable skill.

I will be explaining flexible raid groups, or "flexes", in this raid guide because these are raid groups that require knowledge of the fights and because they are far less forgiving than looking for raid groups.  In addition, what you learn about flexible raids can be applied to normal raids when you're ready for it.

It's important to note that the name "Siege of Orgrimmar" is a bit misleading, because the game actually breaks the raid up into pieces for you.  You won't have to do all the raid bosses until you run normal and heroic raid groups.  The Siege of Orgrimmar is split up into 4 pieces for flexible raid groups, and those pieces are:

  • Vale of Eternal Sorrow - consists of the first four bosses, Immerseus, Fallen Protectors, Norushen, and Sha of Pride.
  •  Gates of Retribution - consists of bosses 5 through 8, Galakras, Iron Juggernaut, Kor'kron Dark Shaman, and General Nazgrim.
  •  Underhold - consists of bosses 9 through 11, Malkorok, Spoils of Pandaria, and Thok the Bloodthirsty.
  • Downfall - consists of bosses 12 through 14, Siegecrafter Blackfuse, Paragons of the Klaxxi, and the final boss, Garrosh Hellscream.

In the future, I will break down each boss fight, starting with Immerseus.  I will explain the setups and the strategies and give tips on what to look for based on the role you have in the raid group.  Hopefully this will make your fights easier and your raiding more enjoyable.

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