We've all encountered them, and I personally think we've all been them at some time. The elitist is that player in World of Warcraft who has seemingly done everything with both hands tied behind their back, blindfolded, and hopping on one foot. You've done something, they've done it better and faster. Like the 1-up person, only with a game. So, here's a short list of indicator signs that might be telling you you're drifting into elitist territory
1. "Noob" or "newb"
Do you constantly refer to the people as "noobs" or "newbs?" If so, its quite possible you're straying into elitist territory. These words carry a heavy undertone of resentment and the general feeling that you are looking down on someone.
2. "Yeah, that's easy" or "I've solo'd that!"
This is probably the biggest reason why elitists are like 1-uppers. What does this statement really mean. When someone says they're having difficulty doing something, only to have someone else say "yeah, that's easy," its like saying "you suck, and I'm awesome." This is actually a really easy thing to say without thinking about it, but the message you send is loud and clear.
3. Referencing Past Expansion Packs
I'll admit it, I'm guilty of doing this one quite a few times. When the phrase "well, back when I played in..." comes out of your mouth you're doing one of two things. You're either reminiscing on old times, or showing how experienced you are. Most people say they're reminiscing, but, truth be told, they've got their chests puffed out in pride while doing so.
4. Linking Meters
So, you're minding your own business, playing World of Warcraft,when suddenly a list of 10 names pops up in guild chat. What a surprise, the guild-mate who linked his DPS meter in guild chat is at the top or near the top of the chart. Like a good guildie, you congratulate them, only to find yourself staring at another DPS meter 30 minutes later. Why do they feel the need to link them? For the congratulations of course, and that should be a word of warning right there.