Therefore, its very important to understand both your character and the raid. To this end, I would recommend looking into the website "Noxxic" and reading the guides they have there. You can select your class of character and the specialization of that character to get in-depth guides about how to use them
The website gives you an overview of what your stat priorities are for your specific type of character. In other words, which statistics you need to focus most on and which are less important for you. It also briefly goes into how you should look to reforge your gear and what enchants and gems are the best for you. This information is really basic, and I would still recommend Ask Mr Robot for reforging, enchanting, and gemming decisions. To see more about Ask Mr Robot, you can read my blog post here.
The fourth section gives you a breakdown of which talents and glyphs might be best for you. So, if you've ever had any questions about which talent is best, this site can give you some third-party advice. I would, however, say that just because one talent is the best does not mean you will instantly be successful using it. Most people will take some time to get used to a new ability if they've never used it before. So, bear that in mind.
The key contribution this site gives is the rotation guide. This site doesn't just tell you what your best moves are, it gives you a break down of the order in which you should use certain abilities and spells. It has a section on what to do when there's only one target, which will be useful for most boss fights. In addition, it also tells you what to do when there are multiple targets, which will help on the fights leading up to a boss and on the occasional boss where there is more than one target.
Once again though, a rotation will probably not be all that successful when you first adopt it. So, my suggestion is simply to practice it before you jump into a raid with it. The target dummies in the Shrine of Two Moons and in Orgrimmar are perfect for memorizing what buttons to push. Then, when you've got the buttons down, do something that requires you to do more than stand and hit a stationary target. The Proving Grounds quest is perfect for this, because it really forces you to think on the fly.
If you find yourself unhappy with your current DPS or you are considering leveling up a new DPS toon and wish you know what the best ones are, you can look at the "DPS Tools" section to see the DPS rankings for World of Warcraft. This list shows you where each specialization is ranked in terms of all the other possible specializations for each class of character.
The rankings will change depending on what item level the character is, so, at the top, you can select an approximate item level and see where your DPS would fall. However, please note that these are approximate averages. There are a whole bunch of factors that affect a character's DPS, which can include everything from internet connection to real life distractions.
Also, the experience you have playing a character can greatly impact how well you do in a fight. So, don't expect to be the highest just because your specialization is high on the list, and don't expect to be the lowest because its listed low. World of Warcraft is about the players that play, so if you like playing the best specializations, or if you have a personal preference of what to play, then, I believe you can be successful either way. Look at the list as useful information, not as an indictment of the type of character you're playing.
If you wish to ask for advice on a certain class of character or would like to just chat, Noxxic has forums for all the different classes that allow you to post questions to be answered or to chat about interesting things to do with your class.
I would recommend reading through this site with and emphasis on the rotation guide. Your rotation will be the foundation of your character, especially for DPS characters. So, if you don't have it right, you'll end up using your abilities at reduced effectiveness or outright wasting time, unable to do anything.
Therefore, I would suggest everyone, from the newer players, to the more experienced ones, read through this site. For the newer players, it can provide you with instruction that will help you to learn how to be an effective max level character. For the experienced players out there, its amazing how often we use a rotation we've created not because its the best, but because it is ours.
That is why this site is so important. It gives you a firm description on what to do, and allows you to build upon that. Once you have your rotation down, you can begin studying the raid fights or even learning by throwing yourself into the raids in order to learn them.
Like I said before, a lot of raids are about the numbers you put up. I think that reading through Noxxic helps enable you to put up better numbers in the raids you participate in. Which should make you feel more effective and reduce the chance of being called out by the more obsessive World of Warcraft players.
The fourth section gives you a breakdown of which talents and glyphs might be best for you. So, if you've ever had any questions about which talent is best, this site can give you some third-party advice. I would, however, say that just because one talent is the best does not mean you will instantly be successful using it. Most people will take some time to get used to a new ability if they've never used it before. So, bear that in mind.
The key contribution this site gives is the rotation guide. This site doesn't just tell you what your best moves are, it gives you a break down of the order in which you should use certain abilities and spells. It has a section on what to do when there's only one target, which will be useful for most boss fights. In addition, it also tells you what to do when there are multiple targets, which will help on the fights leading up to a boss and on the occasional boss where there is more than one target.
Once again though, a rotation will probably not be all that successful when you first adopt it. So, my suggestion is simply to practice it before you jump into a raid with it. The target dummies in the Shrine of Two Moons and in Orgrimmar are perfect for memorizing what buttons to push. Then, when you've got the buttons down, do something that requires you to do more than stand and hit a stationary target. The Proving Grounds quest is perfect for this, because it really forces you to think on the fly.
If you find yourself unhappy with your current DPS or you are considering leveling up a new DPS toon and wish you know what the best ones are, you can look at the "DPS Tools" section to see the DPS rankings for World of Warcraft. This list shows you where each specialization is ranked in terms of all the other possible specializations for each class of character.
The rankings will change depending on what item level the character is, so, at the top, you can select an approximate item level and see where your DPS would fall. However, please note that these are approximate averages. There are a whole bunch of factors that affect a character's DPS, which can include everything from internet connection to real life distractions.
Also, the experience you have playing a character can greatly impact how well you do in a fight. So, don't expect to be the highest just because your specialization is high on the list, and don't expect to be the lowest because its listed low. World of Warcraft is about the players that play, so if you like playing the best specializations, or if you have a personal preference of what to play, then, I believe you can be successful either way. Look at the list as useful information, not as an indictment of the type of character you're playing.
If you wish to ask for advice on a certain class of character or would like to just chat, Noxxic has forums for all the different classes that allow you to post questions to be answered or to chat about interesting things to do with your class.
I would recommend reading through this site with and emphasis on the rotation guide. Your rotation will be the foundation of your character, especially for DPS characters. So, if you don't have it right, you'll end up using your abilities at reduced effectiveness or outright wasting time, unable to do anything.
Therefore, I would suggest everyone, from the newer players, to the more experienced ones, read through this site. For the newer players, it can provide you with instruction that will help you to learn how to be an effective max level character. For the experienced players out there, its amazing how often we use a rotation we've created not because its the best, but because it is ours.
That is why this site is so important. It gives you a firm description on what to do, and allows you to build upon that. Once you have your rotation down, you can begin studying the raid fights or even learning by throwing yourself into the raids in order to learn them.
Like I said before, a lot of raids are about the numbers you put up. I think that reading through Noxxic helps enable you to put up better numbers in the raids you participate in. Which should make you feel more effective and reduce the chance of being called out by the more obsessive World of Warcraft players.
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